The key steps for a great Wash and Go
So many of us black women were conditioned to avoid water when it came to our hair—wash infrequently and use grease or oil to repel water and humidity. As a little girl, I had to forgo certain activities for the sake of not wasting a good hot comb pressing. No swimming, sweating, or playing in the rain—you know, things that make you a happy kid. Just like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz, a little water was toxic to a great hairstyle. It’s taken me 50 years to learn that water is actually a lifeline to gorgeous hair. Water is as integral to every part of our body as it is to all living things, and hair is no exception. Our hair needs water and thrives on moisture.
The struggle with styling
As a tight, coily natural, I felt like I didn’t have the “right” curl pattern to wear and wash & go and have it look attractive. I just assumed that my hair wasn’t loose enough, that it didn’t coil or clump in the right way. So I thought that I was bound to the ritual of twisting or braiding my hair for my whole natural life.
For the first 3-4 years of being natural, I was dedicated to twist-outs, and braid-outs. These styles are a great way to transition and beyond, and initially I was happy with this predicament. But as my hair grew longer, my weekly ninety-minute twisting sessions morphed into three hours, and the time required became burdensome. My hair started seeing the effects of impatience borne through rough handling and detangling.
Twist-outs and the like create a hair pattern that is not your own, so they are vulnerable to being ruined by a rainy day or a humid gust of wind. How frustrating it is to see those gorgeous waves and crinkles you spent 3 hours creating, disappear into a frizzy disaster in 5 seconds flat.
Who can wear a wash and go?
As a natural, I didn’t initially set out to find the wash & go, but it ultimately found me. It was there all the time, I just had to coax it to come out to play. The beauty is, we all have this ability to wear and enjoy the simplicity of a wash & go. It is within the grasp of anyone that desires it, no matter what kind of curl pattern they have. I’ve heard some naturals say, “I don’t have a curl pattern.” Not true! Whether your strands form “O”s, “S”s, or “Z”s, they can do what they need to for a stellar wash and go.

It became my mission to try as hard as I could to get the wash & go to work. Shorter styling time was my goal. Also since this style works with the natural hair pattern you have, you don’t have to worry as much about losing it to the environment.
My first attempt at washing & going didn’t see the light of day outside of my house. I didn’t apply the products correctly, and when my hair dried, it resembled and felt like hay. But I kept at it, and finally I achieved one that I actually could wear out publicly. I was so proud of myself (!) and started to feel the victory of the ease and freedom I was looking for.
Water is the key
After attempting the wash & go several successive times, my hair was enriched with incredible moisture. Over a few weeks, it started to do all the things that I never knew it could. It clumped together and spiraled into gorgeous tiny coils even before product was applied. My hair changed right before my eyes! Thanks to all that water that I grew up believing was kryptonite for my hair. Your hair will change too. Moisture from a consistent wash & go routine is additive. You will see improvement of the look of it and the length of time it lasts.
There are four keys to a wash & go that will accentuate the curl pattern that you were born with:
- Clean hair
- Products, the right ones for the state of your hair AND the right amount
- Technique for all steps from washing to styling
- Water, water, and more water
If you can master each one of these pillars, your hair will be in optimum condition to look its best. And you can leave the umbrella at home!
Do you find it difficult to fit natural hair into your busy life? I didn’t think it was possible either. But what I’ve found is that my life is far easier now, than my salon-every-6-weeks days. Want to learn how? I can teach you.