The Lazy Natural Life

I never thought I’d be a lazy natural. I always assumed that having naturally coily hair would be a lot of work. Just the mere thought of how dense my hair is, brought thoughts of harrowing detangling sessions, burdensome deep-conditioning treatments, and finger-cramping twisting sessions.

Once my natural hair reached a certain length, I reached an inflection point. The time required for the upkeep of my hair started competing with the time required for life in general. And since life is, you know, kind of important, I started looking for ways to take short cuts.

And my life as a proud, lazy natural was born.

So how is this lifestyle defined? It’s mostly about using imagination and creativity to make our natural hair look and feel great in less time, without letting it go the way of Buckwheat on Lil’ Rascals. But it also means that you can pivot from a hair disaster in a flash when necessary. Here are some buckets the smart, lazy natural fills on a regular basis.


The lazy natural loves to find products that do more with less. Maybe it’s a conditioner that also works as a leave-in, or a gel that can work alone to define curls. The point is, whenever I discover a product like this, I immediately work it into my arsenal.


A “hack” has many meanings, but the one that applies here is to make use of a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing something. As a lazy natural, hacks are essential. The sky is the limit for how much time you can spend styling your hair. To reign that in, a little planning and a good set of hacks can get you through most weeks with gorgeous hair everyday and time to tend to life’s necessities.


Even the best laid plans need to have a “Plan B.” Life can be messy, and so too can your hair. There are things we can’t control, like the weather, and the water pressure in a hotel shower. There are some simple and easy measures to be prepared in the event of a hair fail.


These are the tools to enact your contingencies! Every lazy natural needs a good toolbox to fix a bad hairstyle or be prepared for a sudden downpour at the most inopportune times.

I didn’t intend to become a lazy natural. I think I ended up this way by refusing to not do things for the sake of my hair. My perspective now is to fit my hair into my life, as it is. And to do that, key products, hacks, and contingencies have become my way of life. I am proud of my lazy natural lifestyle! It has taken some trial and error to find the right solutions and I keep my eyes open to new ones all the time.

If you’re ready to adopt the Lazy Natural Lifestyle, I can teach you how! Whether you want coaching or a simple consultation, book a call with me!

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